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Ergos Presents: Expanding the Self w/ Dr. Levine & Dr. Sue Johnson

w/ Sue Johnson, Ph.D., author of Hold Me Tight, Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love

& Peter A Levine, Ph.D., author of In an Unspoken Voice, How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness

Saturday, October 2nd, 2021
1-DAY LIVE ONLINE 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM PDT
Optional stay until 3:45 pm for experiential practice.
Open to the Public

First full program with Sue and Peter together!
Recording Available to all with prior Registration

Sue Johnson, Ph.D., residing in British Columbia, Canada, is a leading innovator in the fields of couple therapy and adult attachment. She is the primary developer of Emotionally Focused Couples, Family Therapy (EFT), EFIT for individuals, and author of the best-selling book Hold Me Tight..

Peter A Levine, Ph.D., residing in the US and Europe, is the developer of Somatic Experiencing® (SE™), which is a naturalistic and neurobiological approach to treating trauma and other stress-related disorders and the author of the best-selling book, Waking the Tiger, Healing Trauma, and several others.

Together, these two innovators, friends, and lovers of Tango will share their approaches to the healing of trauma.

EFIT, the individual therapy version of the popular EFT for couples, focuses on shaping a robust and resilient sense of self, ready to transition into what Carl Rogers called vibrant “existential living.” The EFIT therapist moves the client into transformative moments where vulnerabilities involving “frightening, alien, and unacceptable emotions” are encountered with balance and competence. It teaches attachment-based interventions to treat trauma, anxiety, and depression and privileges emotion, shaping new corrective emotional responses in each session to restructure negative ways of defining the self, organizing inner experience, and engaging with others. Attachment science offers a map that simplifies how we frame clients' problems and shape their journey towards wholeness. This workshop will outline the theory and practice of EFIT, focusing on creating a secure base alliance, the attachment perspective on health and dysfunction, and the systematic sequence of macro-interventions - the EFT Tango. Dr. Johnson will share and discuss part of an EFIT session with a depressed and anxious client.

SE is a body-oriented approach that offers a framework to assess where a person is “stuck” in the trauma responses of fight, flight, freeze or collapse and provides practical tools appropriate to aid professionals and the general public in healing the effects of trauma. SE support guides people to be fully present, in the here and now, and move forward in life and personal relationships. During this class, Dr. Levine will examine through a client session how “bottom-up” (non-verbal) processing aids in discovering our innate self-protective responses to threats and establish felt boundaries, weaving a coherent narrative, and supporting a deeper connection with our authentic Selves. It is in this connection with ourselves that we can better connect to others.

After, participants will be able to

  • Describe the critical aspects of the attachment perspective on personality and its significance for clinical intervention

  • Define the process of change and the elements of the EFT Tango

  • Describe the micro-interventions used by the EFT therapist

  • Understand the various forms of memory, from the most conscious and verbal to those somatic/procedural memories that are non-verbal and non-conscious.

  • Identity how shame, defeat, and humiliation, associated with the original traumatic event, replays itself repeatedly in the body and how to restore a sense of pride and dignity.

  • Demonstrate SE tools for Self- regulation.

Workshop: Didactic lecture, case presentation/review, demonstration/explanation of therapeutic skills, small group discussion, and Q&A

- Private Workshop Portal
- One-day live interactive instruction with Q&A
- Workshop Recording
- One SE Case Consultation Credit
- Workshop Certificate
- Informational Handouts/Reference Links
- Dr. Levine’s Thesis
- Workshop Survey

Optional stay until 3:45 pm PT for Experiential practice.

COST: $229 USD
- Payment Plans and Pay-by-Check are Available
- Email:
*SEI Membership discounts are not eligible for short programs

- There are a limited number of financial need partial-scholarships available to BIPOC students and/or those working primarily with underserved populations.
- Email:
- We are responding to and fulfilling requests as we can, thank you for your patience.

- The registration fee is non-refundable. 

- When you register you will automatically receive a receipt email with Workshop Portal Instructions. Please save this email. If you do not receive an email within 5-minutes of registering please check your junk mail and do a search for an email from Melissa A Stager, Manager: Write this email if you do not find it.

The Ergos Institute of Somatic Education is managing this workshop as a part of the Conversations with Peter series.

Contact us with inquiries.

Recording Available to all with prior Registration

Please Share this one-of-a-kind Workshop with others
*Your registration is an agreement of confidentiality.

AGENDA (subject to evolution)

DATE Saturday, October 2nd, 2021
1-DAY ONLINE 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM PDT

10:00-10:10 10-min Welcome & Announcements

10:10-10:30 20-min Opening Discussion

10:30-11:30 1-hr Sue presents Demo Video

11:30-12:00 30-min Case Discussion & Q&A

12:00-12:30 30-min Meal Break

12:30-1:30 1-hr Peter presents Demo Video

1:30-2:00 30-min Case Discussion & Q&A

2:00-2:10 10-min Break

2:10-2:35 25-min Breakout Group

2:35-3:00 25-min Discussion & Q&A

3:05-3:45 40-min Experiential Practice Group (Optional)

September 26

Ergos Presents: Somatic Experiencing® Practice Groups IV

October 4

*Rebroadcast* SAND Presents: The Wisdom of Trauma Movie + talk with Dr. Gabor Maté & more