community health sOMATIC EDUCATION (CHSE)
Dedicated to Bottom-Up Community Transformation
Helping those who Help Others
“I don’t work with trauma, I work with resilience.”
Community Health Somatic Education (CHSE), developed by the Ergos Institute, is driven by dedicated SE Facilitators and Staff. The program is designed to offer no-cost or sliding-scale Somatic Healing and Support to clinicians, practitioners, indigenous communities, communities of color, military personnel, veterans groups, first responders, law officers, firefighters, medical professionals, educators, youth groups, religious organizations, public-service organizations, businesses, private groups, and more. Each program is designed to meet the needs of the community it is serving.
100% of donations go to support programming for organizations that qualify for no to low-cost. Contact Ergos to learn more.
A percentage of profits from Ergos Workshops & Retreats w/ Dr Levine provide support for CHSE programs in need of funding.
Fundraising - keep an eye out for Ergos online SE Practice Groups - all proceeds go towards CHSE programming.
Program Applications
Would you like a short-term Somatic Healing Program for your clinic, organization, or business? Online or in-person availability varies by location and funding.
If so, please click the button below to apply. Someone will get back to you in 1-15 days depending on programming season.
Thank you for your interest in CHSE. We look forward to the possibility of working with you in the future.
Program Facilitators
A very special thank you to our SE community members who’ve made CHSE a reality. These important offerings would not be possible without you.
Facilitator prerequisite levels vary by program. To apply please have been a Master Class Assistant within the last 4 years and have group teaching experience. The majority of our CHSE programs provide stipends.
If you are an SE Practitioner interested in applying to be a Facilitator, please click the button below to register. We will contact you when a program is available. Thank you!
MathMoms CHSE Participant: "As a pastor, I was inspired by how I could integrate SE with my faith perspective to have a far more holistic approach in my work with people experiencing stress or trauma. I have two groups in my congregation within which we explore SE in conjunction with our faith and it is a real voyage of discovery for us. What also strikes me, is that I can do this with people from a privileged (in terms of education and financial security) background, but we do the same work with groups from a far more financially and educationally deprived background; I also do it in contexts where there are people of different faiths and spiritualities, and it really helps us to discover our shared humanity within our diversity."
From MathMoms 2022: “We wanted to send you an update of the ways in which we've been incorporating what we learnt in the CHSE course into our work. Many of the mentors said that they they are using the orientation exercises in their sessions with Moms and learners, to ground and focus them, and we will be bringing more of the exercises into our sessions.
This past weekend, a group of us were invited to facilitate two wellness sessions at a conference for Yeboneers - young people who are part of our local governments youth development programme. (MathMoms is an implementing partner for the initiative, so we have our own group of Yeboneers.). In the two sessions, we saw 90 youth from all over the province. We did some breathing exercises (facilitated by a yogi) and then also some of the SE exercises we covered in the course - orientation, pendulation, and then the boundaries exercise, followed by check-ins in small groups. You could really see the effect on the participants - many said they never knew these things about their body and nervous system, and they never connected their emotions with their bodies in this way. You could see the emotion on their faces as they were establishing their boundaries. One of the guys in my group said that he feels sure of himself, in control, because he realises he has a right to say no and set boundaries. Many said that it was the best session they attended during the entire 4 day conference. So your support of MathMoms has enabled us to reach far wider than just our organisation or town!
Last week we also had a special celebration event for the headmistresses of our partnering schools. As women in a male-dominated position they face speciic challenges, and you can also imagine how hard the pandemic years have been. One of the things we did with them on the day was just a moment of calm, where Andries also facilitated the boundaries exercise with them. They loved it!
I don't know if you remember, but Andries is also a pastor in church. He developed a series of sessions for one of his Bible study groups around the SE exercises - boundaries, healthy aggression, etc. It was incredibly well received. The group is mostly women, and they really experienced it as transformative.
So, thank you once again for helping us make a difference in our communities!”
MathMoms 2022
MathMoms 2022: Conference for Yeboneers - young people who are part of Cape Town, South Africa’s local government youth development programme
St. George’s University, Grenada, W.I., Caribbean Sea
Lead Instructor in Grenada: Mahshid Hager, LMFT (front center red shirt)
Lead Assistant: Alexandra Whitney, PhD (green shawl in front)
Participating Organizations
2022 Math Moms, Cape Town, South Africa. Funded by donations from Ergos Institute SE™ Online Practice Groups. Documentary
2020 St. George’s University, Grenada, W.I., Caribbean Sea. Funded by Ergos Institute and a private donor.
2019 Returning Home: A Trauma Healing Retreat for Military Veterans in Northport, Maine. Research study conducted with positive outcomes, to learn more click here. Funded by Ergos Institute and private donations.
2019 SE™ for Religious Leaders, London, United Kingdom. Funded by the Ergos Institute.
2019 South East Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARCH), Behavioral Health Division in Juneau, Haines, Wrangell, POW, and Sitka. Funded by the Ergos Institute and a US Government Grant.
2019 Science and Nonduality in San Jose, California. Made possible by SE™ volunteers.
2018 Wellfleet Fire Department in Wellfleet, Maine. Made possible by Dr. Levine & SE™ volunteers.
2017 La Cheim Behavioral Health Services in Oakland, California. Made possible by Dr. Levine & SE™ volunteers.
2016 Intensive in-person healing program for cis female, cis male, and LGBTQ survivors of sexual assault. Funded by a private donor.
In-Process A Community Clinic in Chicago, Illinois. Funded by a private donor.
In-Process A Community Clinic in Tenderloin, San Francisco, California. Donations are being accepted.
In-Process Hopi Reservation. Funded by the full proceeds of the May 2020 Dr. Levine Workshop on Generational Trauma with Spirit Rock Meditation Center & an online series with Dr. Levine and Diane Heller.
In-Process CHSE Response™. A developing program for First Responders with First Responder Health. Pilot program in development. Donations are being accepted.