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Ergos Presents: Somatic Experiencing® Practice Groups IV

Did you miss our June, July, or August practice groups? We raised almost $2,500 combined!

Join fellow SE enthusiasts for two rounds of practice sessions and help support Community Health SE.

September 26th, 9:00am - 12:30pm PDT
12:30PM - 12:45 PM movement party optional
Recording Included

All Somatic Experiencing students, SE Practitioners, and SE Assistants are welcome from Intro to SE basics and beyond. You will be grouped by your experience level.

Practice your SE skills, learn new SE tools, and support communities in need of SE education.

All donations benefit Community Health SE Programming: Bottom-Up Community Transformation.

The funds raised this September will go towards paying our Instructors a fair wage for the 19.5-hr program that teaches SE to Math Moms in Cape Town, South Africa. You can learn more about the benefiting organization here and here and watch videos provided to us by them about Cape Town, Cape Town education, and about Math Moms.

During our practice group on September 26th, SE Exercises will be lead by SEP and Master Class Assistant Barbara Collier, co-founder of the non-profit healing center in Tucson, AZ, Equinimity and assisted by Alexandra Whitney, Ph.D., SEP and Principal Investigator for the Returning Home Project: a quantitative research study for the 2019 Returning Home SE Veteran retreat in Northport, Maine.

Thank you for your continued interest in SE and your contribution to communities in need.


Participation Donation starts at $30 USD
If you require financial assistance to join we understand, please email us.

This online program is presented by Ergos Institute.
We look forward to practicing with you soon on Zoom!
Recording Included

You will receive written copies of the exercises and the exercise timing by email the morning of.

Approx. Agenda in Pacific Time

9:00am - 9:05am Opening Exercise

9:05am - 9:10am Introductions & What is Community Health SE?

9:10am - 9:30am Exercise One Prompt (you won't want to miss this)

9:30am - 10:20am Exercise One

10:20am - 10:30am Break

10:30am - 11:00am Questions & Exercise Two Prompt (you won't want to miss this)

11:00am - 12:00pm Exercise Two

12:00pm - 12:10pm Break

12:10pm - 12:30pm Large Group Debrief & Questions


12:30pm - 12:45pm Dance/Movement Party

*your registration is an agreement of confidentiality