Ursula Funke-Kaiser
Ergos SE™ Master Class Faculty
Stuttgart, Germany

Lawyer and Psychotherapy Somatic Healing Practitioner.

Ursula Funke-Kaiser studied law and worked as a judge for several years before she underwent extensive training in body and breath therapy and art therapy and followed her interest in Jungian psychotherapy. She is also engaged in Zen meditation and has finished the Nondual Teacher Training with Dr. Peter Fenner.

She is certified as a healing practitioner for psychotherapy. After she met Dr. Peter A Levine, her professional life focused on trauma therapy with Somatic Experiencing® (SE™). She has worked with Dr. Levine in trainings in Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Israel, and Gaza and teaches the SE Professional Training in Germany and various European countries on all levels.

Ursula was a founding member of the Board of the German Association of Somatic Experiencing, and her special interest lies in advancing SE in the medical health system. She runs a practice for Somatic Experiencing in Stuttgart and is a mother and grandmother.

Business Phone: 0049711 2220131