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ENCORE WEEKEND Mind, Body & The Vagus Nerve Connection Summit w/ Dr. Abi Blakeslee

Don’t miss the FREE ENCORE WEEKEND August 28th - 29th

Featuring Abi Blakeslee, PhD, SE™ Legacy Faculty

Many people in this modern world overstimulate their nervous systems and become desensitized to chronic stress. Over time, this can lead to low vagal tone, which has been linked to various mental and physical health issues, including chronic inflammation, neurodegeneration, poor gut function, autoimmunity, and cancer.

And we know this to be true: you cannot fully heal leaky gut, microbiome function, or brain issues without optimizing your vagus function…

Whether you’re trying to heal from a chronic illness or fight an acute infection, you cannot properly heal when your nervous system is out of whack.

Anecdotal evidence and published scientific studies show that experiencing prolonged stress negatively impacts the immunological state… and that prolonged elevated psychological stress is associated with increased risk of infection by respiratory viruses.

Because of the demands of modern life and the prevalence of unresolved emotional trauma and lack of ability to handle stress effectively, many people can activate their sympathetic (fight-or-flight) response very readily, but they often struggle to switch it off because of low vagal tone.

This limits the ability to activate the rest-digest-detoxify-heal part of the nervous system, and over time, this leads to chronic inflammation and poor gut function, and consequently, can result in pretty much any chronic disease, including autoimmunity and cancer.

Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit will discuss:

  • Functions of the vagus nerve

  • The vagus nerve’s role in immunity

  • The connection between healthy vagus function & a healthy gut & biome

  • Links between infections, mitochondrial health & vagus function

  • Techniques to boost your vagus nerve function

  • And so much more!

Eva Detko, PhD, MSc, mIAHT, has gathered the right experts, information, and protocols to help you understand the importance of toning and strengthening your vagus nerve function for optimal health. Every day she helps her clients overcome complex health issues by helping them restore their autonomic nervous system balance, which is critical to healing from any chronic condition.

Don’t miss the FREE ENCORE WEEKEND August 28th - 29th

P.S. When you register for Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides, and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!





This program is hosted by Health Means. Please contact them with inquiries.

Over 57,000 people have already accessed these eBooks from Dr. Eva Detko this week! This is your last chance to unlock these COMPLIMENTARY gifts about restoring nervous system health — add them to your virtual medicine cabinet to learn at your own pace!

+ Vagus Nerve 101 eGuide
+ 4-Week Program to Strengthen Your Vagus Nerve and Boost Your Immune System
+ 3 Interview Transcripts from the Mind, Body & Vagus Nerve Connection Summit
+ Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit Topic Tracks

—>>Unlock these 4 healthy eBooks (and others below) now!

I encourage you to do so —>> when you do, you ALSO UNLOCK a ton of other free resources from last week’s Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit, including:

+ 10 eBooks from other health experts (titles below!)
+ 44 incredible expert talks this weekend (top rated below)!
+ It’s encore week (and weekend) at Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit!

You can start reading (and downloading) these eBooks now:
+ Icons in Natural Health: 7 Full-Length Interview Transcripts from HealthMeans
+ Vagus Nerve Stimulation Strategies from Jodi Cohen
+ Essential Oils for Mental Health & Remedy eGuide from Dr. Eric Zielinski
+ GABA and Tryptophan: Amino Acid Solutions for Anxiety, Sugar Cravings & Insomnia eGuide from Trudy Scott
+ 29 Signs of Disease to Watch for on Your Nails, Tongue & Eyes from Brian Vaszily
+ 101 Natural Health Remedies Secrets eBook from 365 Daily Health
+ The Cancer-Free Recipe Guide from Nathan Crane
+ The Ultimate Gut Repair Blueprint from Jason Prall
+ Pantry Essentials: Anti-Inflammatory & Brain Boosting Staples eList from Dr. Tom O’Bryan
+ The 7 Fastest and Easiest Ways to Improve Your Vagal Tone from Adam Roth

These assets are all about giving you knowledge about good health.
—>Click here to unlock the eBooks (and reserve your seat) for the encore of Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit!

Then, this weekend (starting at 10am US Eastern on Saturday) find time to attend Encore Weekend at the Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit and learn how to activate the vagus nerve to rebalance your nervous system and help boost your immune system and overall health!

Take advantage of this health information by clicking the link below:
—>Unlock your complimentary eBooks today and then join me this weekend for the encore of this important health event!

[closing salutation]

P.S. I encourage you to find time in your schedule to download these eBooks ASAP, since they disappear once the event ends, then learn from 2-3 of the “featured” talks this weekend — you’ll see how incredible this event truly is!

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