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Science & Nonduality Presents: From Wounds to Wholeness w/ Dr Levine

Science & Nonduality Presents:
From Wounds to Wholeness w/ Dr Levine

April 4th, 11am - 12:30pm Pacific

Trauma has a severe impact that extends far beyond the individual survivor. It ripples through families, communities, and generations in ways both seen and unseen. Yet there is a path forward — through courageously sharing our stories and tapping into the body’s innate wisdom.

Have you or someone you know experienced trauma? Do you long for a deeper sense of resolution and wholeness? Or are you a helper, healer, or curious learner seeking innovative approaches to recovery? 

Join Dr Levine, renowned trauma expert, author, and pioneer of the groundbreaking Somatic Experiencing approach, for an intimate community conversation. Peter will share insights from his new book, An Autobiography of Trauma: A Healing Journey. Together, we will explore trauma healing through the power of personal narratives and somatic-based methods. 

Peter will openly share his courageous journey to resolve severe childhood trauma by using the very techniques he developed. He will show a pathway whereby giving voice to our stories can help reclaim our dignity and wholeness and ignite an inner spark of healing.

Some topics we will explore:

  • Peter's personal path traversing childhood wounding

  • The visions that guided his life's work

  • The neurobiology of trauma and how it impacts the mind and body

  • An integrated perspective connecting neurobiology to the natural world

  • The principles of somatic-based trauma recovery

Whether you are a survivor, helper, healer, or passionate learner, this is a rare chance to connect, be inspired, and gain personal and professional wisdom.

There will be time for questions.

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