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Milton H Erickson Foundation: Evolution of Psychotherapy 2023 w/ Dr Levine

  • Online and In Person in Anaheim, CA Anaheim (map)

Evolution of Psychotherapy

December 12-17, 2023 | Anaheim, CA

Celebrating 38 years, the most anticipated psychotherapy event of the year is making its grand return to Anaheim, CA. Over five plus education-filled days, enjoy an integrated forum where the masters of psychotherapy, breakout thinkers, and on-the-ground professionals will connect, engage, support, and reinvigorate your passion for the field of psychotherapy—all in the city of Anaheim. Join us in the home of the most magical, imaginative, and innovative place on Earth. See for yourself what the Evolution conference is all about!

Visit us in person at the Ergos Institute of Somatic Education & Somatic Experiencing International Booth!

Featuring Dr Levine on December 14th at 11:30am PT presenting:
Autobiography of Trauma - A Healing Journey - The Evolution of Somatic Experiencing® (SE™)

Location: California - D

We all have our stories to tell; and this is mine, my trauma, my truth. Like Russian nesting dolls, it is one story folded into many others. I am now at the point in my life where I am ready to share the arc of my nested stories, my soul’s journey. It is the often-lonely path taken by an unsuspecting, unlikely, and deeply-flawed missionary.

One of the core tenets of the trauma healing method I’ve developed, {over the past fifty years} is that we don’t guide people towards confronting their traumas directly, head-on. Rather, we gently encourage them to come to the periphery of these experiences, helping them access certain pivotal positive bodily experiences first.

During my talk, I will discuss the evolution of SE and give an example of the application of this work by sharing two of my exuberant childhood experiences filled with safety, warmth, joy, and love. Implementing these powerful resources into my felt sense with support allowed me to process and come to terms with violent and terrifying experiences that occurred throughout my youth.

I hope you can join me in exploring how trauma affects us, influences us, and how we can move it through our bodies to find peace and connect with our authentic Self.


Conversation Hour w/ Dr Levine December 14th at 1:45pm PT
Location: California - D

Join in a conversation hour with Dr. Levine, discussing topics from the Invited Address: Autobiography of Trauma - A Healing Journey The Evolution of Somatic Experiencing® (SE™).

Why Attend Evolution 2023?

A ‘persistent and consistent offering of the very best of the field’

The 2023 Evolution of Psychotherapy meeting is a golden opportunity for mental health professionals. 

Professor and therapist Gary Quan: "Evolution brings together the world’s best career psychotherapists, providing a unique opportunity to meet, learn from, and collaborate with the very best clinicians in our field. Evolution’s 2023 faculty lineup is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity we may not have again, and I am excited about the possibilities around this year’s event – for myself, my colleagues, and the students who are entering the field of psychotherapy."

View the Agenda

Save $200 through Nov 17th

Presented by the Milton H Erickson Foundation

December 11

Toy Drive for Promises2Kids

December 15

Ergos Institute: SE™ Case Consultation & Demonstration w/ Dr Levine