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Making the Invisible, Visible: A Trauma Healing Journey from Hauntings to Wholeness, an exploration of Transgenerational Trauma

SE™ Master Class w/Dr. Levine and Legacy Faculty member Euphrasia (Efu) Nyaki

November 6th - 9th, 2020
Live & Interactive Online
11 am - 4:30 pm, Pacific Time
1-hr Break (1:30pm - 2:30pm)
(FULL Schedule at the bottom)

Peter and Efu.png

Note: We are making accommodations for “impossible” time zones like Australia and China and European time zones. The Welcome letter sent Nov 5th to registrants will clarify.

**Prerequisite: SE Beg II +
**Not available online after this course - this is an experiential course with supervision - not just lecture.

Making the Invisible, Visible: A Trauma Healing Journey from Hauntings to Wholeness, an exploration of Transgenerational Trauma

We tend to believe in free will. That it is we who ultimately determines our fate; that we are the captains of our own ships. When working with healing trauma, this belief is often challenged, as we become aware of repetitive patterns of suffering and unhappiness that can span generations. This pattern is grounded in an energetic presence of unresolved trauma responses that were once activated for protection and have now passed on from generation to generation. These lingering “ghosts” can still have powerful influences on our emotions, reactions, behaviors, and choices.

During this course, Dr. Levine and SE Legacy Faculty member Euphrasia (Efu) Nyaki will lead us through how, unbeknown to us, we may be influenced by events and circumstances that our ancestors (and their ancestors in turn) have experienced during their lifetimes. These influences are often far out of conscious awareness. By exploring our unconscious connection to our lineage, that neither time nor distance alters, we can be capable of connecting to the complexities of our family line with healing reverence.

Throughout this workshop, we will practice bringing our stories of origin into awareness and observing them with open eyes, an open heart, and an open mind. During this process, we may also connect to great ancestral resources and vitality that can support us on our path to healing. It is in Our collective Journey that we are capable of letting go of that which does not serve our future growth. With this exploration, we can truly live our lives and claim our destinies as we move towards authentic freedom. 

This class will…

•   Work on restoring Ancestral Resources which is fundamental to Healing and Wholeness.

•   Use the Phenomenological & Systemic approach that comes from the concept of a free-flowing life, one that moves and develops naturally.

•   Discuss the possible role of Epigenetics in the Transgenerational transmission of the effects of trauma

•   Introduce the three Orders of Love (Belonging, Reverencing, and Balance between giving and receive). 

•   Teach how Healing relationships with our parents/family means healing our relationship with ourselves and with the cosmos as we grow in spirituality.

•   Develop the Capacity to change Patterns of repetitive events that create suffering and confusion in our personal relationships, professional, family, financial, and health-related aspects of our life.

•   Explore Emotional intelligence and awareness of the ancestral resources which provides us the tranquility and space to deal with the ups and downs of life without having it develop into perpetual crises. 

•   Utilize the knowledge of Somatic Experiencing® to remain present in here and now, invoking the power of intuition

•   Enable us to tell Our Stories with a new approach that promotes a harmonious flow of life and love from the ancestors to the present moment, and flowing into future generations without damaging charge

Learning Objectives

•   Discuss Transgenerational transmission of trauma-based Patterns over time.

•   Demonstrate how to bring ancestral Awareness into our therapeutic practices.

•   Analyze the possible role of Epigenetics in trauma transmission.

•   Identify Behaviors and Emotions which may have trans-generational. components.

•   Differentiate the three Orders of Love that help to untangle trauma transmission, separating the layers of conflicts that run through generations.

•   Demonstrate practices to cultivate ancestral Resources.

•   Define and decode Transgenerational Patterns and Support here-and-now presence.

•   Describe how to Uncouple the ancestral traumatic energy from the life-giving energy experienced here and now.

•   Explain how to build a greater capacity to help our clients by accessing and processing our own Transgenerational trauma.

•   Formulate time for grieving and letting go with Support.

•   Integrate how we learn how to Accept life, both in the past and present.

•   Practice exercises geared towards taking responsibility for ones’ own life energy.

•   Demonstrate through given exercises, how we take responsibility and Say Yes to Life and Moving Forward. 


•   This course is geared towards training SE students on how to work with Transgenerational Trauma trapped within their clients and within themselves.

•   Although beneficial in exercises, personal ancestral details do not need to be shared out loud to participate in this course.

Materials Needed

•  Note pad and pen/pencil

•  Several Large sheets of paper (Newsprint) and a variety of colored “crayons”

•  Self-care resources (photo of an ancestral resource or loved one, a pet, a favorite mug of hot tea, a special pillow, etc.)

SE™ Legacy Faculty
The Legacy Faculty was established to ensure that Dr. Levine’s specialized Master Classes will continue to be taught worldwide after he retires from teaching. In 2019 Euphrasia Nyaki (Efu) was invited to be a member of the team to assist in enhancing SE practitioner skills for specialization in many areas of trauma including Memory, Early Developmental, Attachment, Sexual, Shame, Addiction, Medical, Surgical, Syndromes, as well as exploring Efu’s unique expertise in the intersection of Trauma and Spirituality and Transgenerational Trauma (working with our ancestors). Efu is a highly respected student and colleague of Dr. Levine who he worked with for many years during his time teaching in Brazil. Efu’s contributions are expected to enhance SE continuing education programs and be deeply enriching for all of us. You can learn more about Efu here on her SEP Highlight page.

SE Beginning II+

TARGET AUDIENCE Psychologists, Psychoanalysts, Psychiatrists (←only partial credit for MDs via APA), Social Workers, MFTs, Counselors, Substance Abuse Counselors, Occupational Therapists, Nurses, Dentists, Body Workers, Yoga Teachers, Equine Therapists, Art Therapists

18 CE Units
$40 from Cassidy
Seminar Code: ERGOS-012
Your purchased Certificates are available following course completion at

1 Case Consult credit is included*
You will be provided with a signed Case Consult form

*Live ATTENDANCE is expected
If during the program you can not make it for a portion please email
Special accommodations will be made for those in time zones where the course is in the middle of the night (Australia, Hong Kong, etc).
European time zones must attend 11am - 1:30pm Pacific Time LIVE - they will need to watch the recording the next day before class starts - access will be available.

Workshop Assistants
SE Assistants will be leading small group exercises during the class
Some approved SE session providers will be offering private sessions outside of class hours
You will receive a form with their information

*The cost of this program was reduced to COVID-19 online pricing
*Participants will receive a recording of this class after it is complete
*Flexible Payment Plans and Pay-by-Check Available:

Daily 11 am - 4:30 pm Pacific Time (1-hr break 1:30pm - 2:30pm)

SETI Membership Discount Codes (use on the registration page)
Please make sure your membership is updated with SETI as we do check.
SETI Members receive $100 off: MEMBER100
Lifetime Members receive 50% off: MEMBER50
(please press the
Apply button for the code to calculate a new total at the bottom)

Partial Scholarships
There are financial need partial scholarships available to BIPOC students and/or those working primarily with underserved populations. For submission guidelines, please email Inquiries and submissions are datestamped first come first serve for if there is an email delay on our part.

For registration issues, payment plans, payments by check, or cancellations, please contact:

The Ergos Institute of Somatic Education is managing this course. We are expecting this class to be nothing short of magical - we hope to see your face online soon!

*There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program


  • REGISTRATION CLOSES THE EVENING OF NOVEMBER 4TH - you can email to be added if closed up until class starts on Friday.


  • A WELCOME LETTER WILL BE EMAILED NOVEMBER 5TH WITH YOUR ZOOM LINK TO JOIN THE CLASS - email if you did not receive your welcome email by the morning of the class (check your spam folder first for an email from:

Thank you!

This is a great class. We are all looking forward to it. See you soon!!

Tentative Daily Schedule Subject to Alteration (will be updated here if changes are made)

Efu Nyaki on Brazilian Time

Dr Levine on Pacific Time

Friday Nov 6th 

11:00am - 11:10am Opening Meditation: Efu Nyaki

11:10am - 11:20am Logistics: Melissa Stager

11:20am - 11:30am Orientation to the Group: Dr Levine and Efu Nyaki

11:30am - 1:15pm Lecture: Dr Levine and Efu Nyaki

·  Understanding Transgenerational Trauma and Healing

·  Holistic & Systemic Vision

·  Energy Fields

·  Epigenetics 

1:15pm - 1:30pm Q&A: Dr Levine and Efu Nyaki

1:30pm - 2:30pm 1-hr Break

2:30pm - 3:00pm Exercise One w/Q&A: Efu Nyaki

·  Large Group: Balancing, Giving,and Receiving

3:00pm - 4:15pm Live Demonstration: Dr Levine 

4:15pm - 4:30pm Q&A: Dr Levine and Efu Nyaki


Saturday Nov 7th

11:00am - 11:10am Opening Meditation: Efu Nyaki

11:10am - 11:15am Logistics: Melissa Stager

11:15am - 11:45am Lecture: Dr Levine

11:45am - 12:00pm Exercise Intro: Dr Levine and Efu Nyaki

·  Small Group: Genogram the Ancestors, part I 

12:00pm - 1:30pm Exercise Breakout session

·  Genogram the Ancestors, part I

1:30pm - 2:30pm 1-hr Break

2:30pm - 2:45pm Q&A: Dr Levine and Efu Nyaki

2:45pm - 4:15pm Lecture: Dr Levine and Efu Nyaki

·  Uncovering the Invisible, Making the Invisible Visible

·  Accepting & Honoring our Origins

·  Esalen Demo Video and Debrief with Del

4:15pm - 4:30pm Q&A: Dr Levine and Efu Nyaki


Sunday Nov 8th

11:00am - 11:10am Opening Meditation: Efu Nyaki

11:10am - 11:15am Logistics: Melissa Stager

11:15am - 11:45am Lecture: Efu Nyaki

·  Orders of Love (by Bert Hellinger)

11:45am - 12:00pm: Exercise Intro: Efu Nyaki

·  Small Group: Genogram the Ancestors, part II

12:00pm - 1:30pm Exercise Breakout session

·  Genogram the Ancestors, part II

1:30pm - 2:30pm 1-hr Break

2:30pm - 2:45pm Q&A with Dr Levine and Efu Nyaki

2:45pm - 4:15pm Lecture Dr Levine and Efu Nyaki

·  From Hauntings to Wholeness

·  Grieving and Letting Go

·  Uncoupling

4:15pm - 4:30pm w/Q&A Peter and Efu


Monday Nov 9th

11:00am - 11:10am Opening Meditation: Efu Nyaki

11:10am - 11:15am Logistics: Melissa Stager

11:15am - 11:45am Julie Video: Dr Levine

11:45am - 12:00pm Exercise Intro: Dr Levine and Efu Nyaki

·  Small Group: Genogram the Ancestors, part III 

12:00pm - 1:30pm Exercise Breakout session

·  Genogram the Ancestors, part III

1:30pm - 2:30pm 1-hr Break

2:30pm - 2:45pm Q&A: Dr Levine and Efu Nyaki

2:45pm - 4:10pm Lecture: Dr Levine and Efu Nyaki

·  Reverencing, Letting Go, and Moving On

·  Acceptance Practices

4:10pm - 4:25pm Q&A: Dr Levine and Efu Nyaki

4:25pm - 4:30pm Class Closing with surprise guest Resmaa Menakem

Earlier Event: October 19
Breaking Free from Toxic Relationships
Later Event: November 23
Overcoming Depression and Loneliness