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UK PESI Presents: Making the Invisible, Visible: Healing Transgenerational Trauma w/ Dr. Levine

What if your client’s current suffering is rooted in trauma their ancestors experienced decades, or even centuries, in the past?  

Recent trauma studies reveal that suffering and unhappiness are often passed on to future generations… 

…and can hold a powerful influence over our emotions and behaviors today – usually without us ever knowing why.

Fortunately, internationally renowned trauma expert Dr. Peter Levine, developer of the widely popular Somatic Experiencing® approach, has uncovered effective methods to help separate clients from the transgenerational pain that’s inhibiting their future growth.

Join Dr. Levine for this transformative workshop and discover how to not only help your clients connect to their ancestors’ suffering with healing reverence… 

…but also learn to guide your clients to reclaiming their destinies, so they can experience authentic freedom. 

Making the Invisible, Visible:
Healing Transgenerational Trauma with Dr Peter Levine
Webcast Streaming Date: 25 June 2021
£129 Value

Just £64.50 - Save 50% with their early bird offer!

(All Prices are shown in GBP)

Can't attend live? Sign for the full recorded version of this product.

Event Objectives

  • Discuss transgenerational transmission of trauma-based Patterns over time.

  • Demonstrate how to bring ancestral awareness into our therapeutic practices.

  • Analyze the possible role of epigenetics in trauma transmission.

  • Identify behaviors and emotions which may have trans-generational components.

  • Analyze a demonstration session working with transgenerational trauma in therapeutic practice.


13.30-14.45 Live webcast

14.45-15.00 Q&A

15.00-15.15 Tea and coffee break

15.15-16.15 Demo video, review and analysis

16.15-16.30 Q&A

(5:30 AM - 8:30 AM PDT)

This Summit is hosted by PESI UK. Please contact them with any questions.