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NICABM Presents: 2021 Trauma Series w/ Dr. Levine and more

NICABM Presents: 2021 Trauma Series
October 20th - November 4th
Featuring Peter A Levine, PhD

Many people are familiar with fight, flight, and freeze – those split-second defensive responses that happen in the face of stress or trauma . . .

. . . but in just the last few years, trauma researchers have been recognizing additional survival responses to trauma.

Understanding these emerging defensive adaptations (and knowing how to work with them) can be critical for healing.

Problem is, you don’t often hear about them in many trauma trainings.

That’s why my friends at NICABM are dedicating an entire session of the Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma to working with these defense mechanisms.

In this powerful module you’ll hear from experts like Bessel van der Kolk, MD; Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD; Thema Bryant-Davis, PhD; Janina Fisher, PhD; Stephen Porges, PhD; and other leaders in trauma treatment.

Dr Levine is also honored to be a part of this series.

The free broadcast is coming up soon – you just have to sign up.

Here’s a peek at what you’ll hear about:

·      3 Alternative Defense Responses to Fight-Flight-Freeze (and How to Identify Them)

·      The Profound Impact These 3 Defense Responses Can Have on Your Client’s Relationships

·      The Least Understood Defense Response – and Why It May Produce the Opposite of What Your Client Wants

·      Why These Defensive Responses Can Leave Your Client Vulnerable to Further Trauma

·      A Polyvagal-Informed Approach to Working with Defense Responses

This session is completely free to watch at the time of broadcast. Here’s your link to sign up and choose a time that’s right for you.

In fact, you can watch each of the remaining modules of this 5-part trauma series for free.

Now if you’ve watched the first two sessions of this series, you already know how packed it is with practical strategies and innovations for healing trauma.

So if you’d like, you can also get a Gold Package and get all the videos, audio recordings, transcripts, and bonus sessions to keep forever in your permanent library.

CE/CME credits are available as well.

PS You can watch the upcoming session on How to Work with Emerging Defense Responses to Trauma (Beyond the Fight/Flight/Freeze Model) for free.  Here’s the link again to sign up.

October 20th & 21st – How to Work with Emerging Defense Responses to Trauma (Beyond the Fight/Flight/Freeze Model)

October 27th & 28th – How to Ease the Pain of Trauma-Induced Shame

November 3rd & 4th – How to Work with Patients Whose Trauma Triggers Problems in Their Current Relationships

This online event is brought to you by NICABM

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