SE™ Master Class Eye of the Needle I
Presented by Dave Berger, MFT, PT, LCMHC, SEP, MA
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Module 1: August 8th-12th, 2024
All trauma involves an encounter with threat and, hence, a touch with death. However, some individuals actually experience states of death from which they are revived. In fact, some of the deepest and seemingly most intractable trauma symptoms occur with clients who become “stuck” in these profoundly altered states of consciousness that emerged out of a near-death experience (NDE).
According to the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation, 774 varied NDEs occur every day. Often debilitating, these same near-death experiences hold the extraordinary potential for deep, positive, and enduring personal and spiritual transformation if they receive proper guidance and support.
Dr. Levine’s EOTN two-part series addresses how to apply Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) principles to a variety of near-death experiences, anesthesia trauma and altered states of consciousness, including but not limited to: drowning, vehicular accidents, physical attacks, illness, and surgery. SE techniques applicable to a wide variety of traumatic experiences are not always sufficient to treat trauma related to NDEs, and Eye of the Needlework is vital to complex cases demanding the most dedicated and skilled practitioners of SE.
EOTN I & II Learning Objectives :
Cultivate and refine perceptual skills and practical tools.
Track autonomic nervous system shifts.
Develop theoretical and practical framework to access dissociated and dislocated altered states of consciousness and liberate problematic fixations.
Practice the skills needed to weave dislocated conscious (and unconscious) states together, then move through the shock core.
Identify surgical trauma symptoms and partial awakening states from anesthesia.
Alternate approaches to working with different types of anesthesia.
Using SE, recommend proper pain management and anesthesia protocol for reducing the chances of trauma related to surgery.
Explore working with post-ICU debilitation.
Resolve difficult somatic symptoms by working with NDEs.
Interact with the mythopoetic plane.
Enable authentic spiritual experiences, including NDEs.
EOTN 1 will focus on the basic concepts of EOTN work, Near Death States, and Out of Body Experiences
EONT 2 will review the basic concepts of EOTN work and focus on anesthesia and altered states of consciousness.
Prerequisite: SE Advanced 1
Presented by: Academie Claire-Khudai
If you have questions, please contact: Claire-Khudai Dagenais & Hye Kam
“SE is not what you do, but how you do what you do.”