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Ergos Presents: ONLINE Embodied Play Practices for Healing Attachment Trauma in Adults and Children Combining SE™ & IAFT w/ Dr Levine & Dafna Lender, LCSW

Recording from the 3.5-day Workshop + LIVE Session and MORE

Do you work with kids?

Interested in working with kids in the future?

Work with distressed clients who once were kids?

Or were you ever a kid yourself in need of extra support?

If yes to any, this workshop may be for you!

Embodied Play Practices for Healing Attachment Trauma in Adults and Children Combining Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) & Integrated Attachment Family Therapy (IAFT)

w/ Peter A Levine, PhD
Guest Instructor:
Dafna Lender, LCSW

LIVE ONLINE CONSULT Q&A DECEMBER 16th, 11am - 12:30pm with Peter & Dafna

**you will receive access to the Zoom class one hour before when sales close**

SE™ Workshop Includes:
- Recording from the 3.5-day workshop w/ Dr Levine & guest instructor Dafna Lender, LCSW (professionally edited - unlimited viewing)
- Recording includes lectures, breakout groups, and demo sessions
- Recording from the 1.5-hr Consult Q&A with Experiential Practice from October 3rd online with Dafna
- Live 1.5-hr Consult Q&A with Experiential Practice: December 16th, 11 am PT, with Peter & Dafna (this will be recorded for future unlimited viewing)
- All handouts & materials included from the original program
- BONUS VIDEO 2.5-hrs: Dr. Levine’s Introduction to SE coupled with a BONUS Introduction to SE & Chronic Pain
- Discount SE session provider list for extra support
- 1 SEI Case Consultation Faculty Supervision Credit for SE students
- Discount code for SEI Members: MEMBER100
- Scholarships Available (scroll down for more information)

This workshop originally took place live at the Mercy Center in Burlingame, CA with supervised practice and Q&A on May 9th - 12th, 2022.

ATTN: psychotherapists, social workers, teachers, medical and foster care providers, and more…

Join us online to learn more about the intersection of SE and IAFT using rhythm, touch, movement, prosody, nurture, and play and address specific attachment and trauma symptoms through Integrated Attachment Family Therapy and Somatic Experiencing Techniques using videos, demonstrations, role play, and practice.

Each year more than four million children in the United States are exposed to a traumatic event. That figure is an underestimation, valid only if we narrowly restrict our definition of trauma to self-evident adverse circumstances that are clearly extraordinary, such as violence, molestation, loss of a caregiver, etc. Trauma can also result from everyday “ordinary” events. In fact, common occurrences such as accidents, falls, invasive medical procedures and divorce can cause children to withdraw, lose confidence, or develop anxiety and phobias. Some children are able to overcome these events with minimal effects. Others, who have lived in unsafe environments with inconsistent/impaired caregivers, or who have endured multiple losses, may not be able to overcome these traumatic experiences without some type of intervention.

Trauma is not what happens to us. But what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness.
— Peter A Levine, PhD

The bad news is that trauma is a fact of life. The good news is that: so is resilience. Simply stated, resilience is the capacity we all possess to rebound from stress and feelings of fear, helplessness and overwhelm. People (especially young people), however, need not lose their resilience through wear and tear, i.e. toxic stress. On the contrary, we have the capacity to actually build and increase our resilience as we encounter the stresses and strains of life.

During this RECORDED workshop, Dr. Levine will be demonstrating Somatic Experiencing® techniques for working with children/adolescents, helping them to gain positive experiences in their bodies that contradict their feelings of helplessness when they arise. Participants will learn practical tools to maximize a child’s resilience when they are stressed beyond their breaking point so that their equilibrium can be restored. Armed with this “recipe for resilience,” practitioners and caretakers can help trauma-proof children, while also generally increasing their tolerance to everyday stress.

Guest Instructor Dafna Lender, LCSW, a trainer in Theraplay and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy, and EMDR therapist, will be working with attachment-focused play and embodiment techniques that focus on healing severely dysregulated childhood experiences through physical exercises that are co-regulated by a loving adult. In this way, they can truly become stronger, more caring, joyful, and compassionate human beings. Adults will also be able to use these tools to help heal the hurt child within themselves.

Dafna’s approach, Integrative Attachment Family Therapy (IAFT) focuses on the parent-child relationship as a vehicle to heal problems of trust, hyperarousal or hypoarousal, and connection in both children and parents (and even adult clients). IAFT is effective in treating trauma because it focuses on building attachment relationships using joyful and energetic play-based actions as well as creating and fostering safe dialogues between children and their caregivers. Using these techniques we can help children regain their capacity for joy and restore loving connections to their peers and their families.

This workshop will also address successful parent attachment work. You will learn how to identify when a parent needs more focused individual work, where the parent’s own attachment issues may be impacting a session, how to set goals for parent-focused work, assessing when it is time to re-introduce child into the therapy room, how to navigate parent-child sessions when the parent’s defenses are re-triggered and how to help parents initiate repair and stay present with the child to facilitate true healing and connection.  

Learning Objectives

  • Appraise the rationale for and efficacy of “bottom-up” interventions for the treatment of trauma in children.  

  • Define the somatic effects of stress in children.

  • Identify the types of behaviors that require a particular intervention.

  • Explore the evolutionary underpinnings of trauma, the Polyvagal theory, and flight, flight, freeze, and collapse.

  • Learn practical tools from Somatic Experiencing® and IAFT that you can apply to your practice with parents and children immediately.

  • Implement interventions to help children increase tolerance for negative bodily sensations and suppressed emotions.  

  • Utilize techniques to repair attachment wounds among children and caregivers. 

  • Discuss how to involve parents in a treatment session.

  • Review a video demo of a child transformed from chaotic, aggressive, and uncooperative to focused, relaxed, and joyful through play

  • Practice Somatic Experiencing and IAFT activities in small groups using role play.  

Adult Care Objectives

  • Assess an adult's "play history" to determine which types of play interventions are indicated for a particular client

  • Learn embodied play interventions for adults who have experienced attachment trauma

  • Learn how to awaken the joyful, alive and healing energy of the inner child with adult clients

  • Observe how these new play practices can be transferred to client's current relationships with their own children


  • Therapeutic games for overcoming feelings of helplessness.

  • Touch-based interventions to release somatically “stuck” responses to stress.

  • Pendulation-informed techniques to develop a sense of “flow.”

  • Voice, rhythm, facial expressions, and touch to elicit trust.

  • Exercises that hone in on various vocal qualities.

  • Creating and maintaining an open facial expression with defensive clients.

  • Strategies for incorporating safe touch.

  • Using playfulness and paradox.

  • Exercises and activities to make shut down, guarded, or angry children feel more relaxed, open, and ready to connect.

  • Movement and breathing exercises that create connection.

Focused Parent Work

  • Trust and attunement practices for caregiver and child.

  • The stages of parent focused attachment work.

  • Tools for deepening parent’s regulation skills: role plays, mindfulness practice, self-care.

  • Re-introducing child into the therapy room.

  • Tools for titrating the intensity of interaction between parent and child to maintain optimal arousal.

  • Helping parents stay open and engaged.

  • Learn gentle ways to intervene and redirect a misattuned or critical parent.

  • Guiding parents in helpful responses within session.

  • Facilitate active dialogue between parents and children that’s both safe and gets to their core issues.

Guest Instructor Bio

Dafna Lender, LCSW is an international trainer and supervisor for practitioners who work with children and families. She is a certified trainer and supervisor/consultant in both Theraplay and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP). Dafna’s expertise is drawn from 25 years of working with families with attachment in many settings: at-risk after school programs, therapeutic foster care, in-home crisis stabilization, residential care and private practice. Dafna’s style, whether as a therapist or teacher, is combining the light-hearted with the profound by bringing a playful, intense and passionate presence to every encounter. 

Dafna is the co-author of Theraplay the Practitioner’s Guide (2020). She teaches and supervises clinicians in 15 countries in 3 languages: English, Hebrew, and French.  



Tuition for this 3.5-day workshop and 1.5-hr live online session + Q&A w/ Dafna: $1,045
Register & Pay Here
For payment plans or payments by check: Please contact:


SEI Members receive $100 off, use code: MEMBER100
(please make sure your membership is up to date with Somatic Experiencing International)

Partial Scholarships: There are unlimited financial need partial scholarships available to BIPOC students and/or those working primarily with underserved populations. For submission, please email

Refunds: No refunds available for online programs

For registration issues or other inquiries: Please contact:

We appreciate your cooperation in creating a safe & successful environment for this much-needed class.

We hope to see you! Live online!

Live 1.5-hr Q&A with Experiential Practice: December 16th, 11 am PT, with Peter & Dafna (this will be recorded for future unlimited viewing)(zoom link will be in the course portal)

**you will receive access to the Zoom class one hour before when sales close**

There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program.
The Ergos Institute of Somatic Education is managing this course.


By registering, I agree to maintain the confidentiality and privacy of fellow participants and copyrighted material.

By registering, I agree this will be a safe space of openness where cultural, religious, historical, generational, societal, and personal differences are respected without judgment, criticism, or harm. I agree to take what serves me and leave what does not.

By registering, I agree not to record or take photographs without explicit permission.

By registering, I acknowledge that this workshop will be recorded by the Ergos Institute for future use.

By registering, I authorize my voice or likeness to be included in the recording if I ask a question. This recording will be used for future educational purposes.

By registering, I agree neither Peter Levine, the Ergos Institute, FHE, SEI, nor any of its managers, staff, coordinators, assistants, faculty members, guest lecturers, technicians, affiliates, online platforms, venues, or representatives have any responsibility or liability for my participation. Therefore, I hereby release them from all claims in connection with such. My attendance and participation is voluntary.

December 4

Ergos Presents: San Diego SE™ Group Case Consultation & Demonstration w/ Dr. Levine In-Person (+recording)

January 19

Diane Heller Presents: Attachment Injury Embedded in Complex Trauma w/ Dr. Levine