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Somatic Strategies to Address the Interplay Between Shock and Developmental Trauma

Live with Peter A Levine, PhD

Presented by Diane Poole Heller, PhD

Dr. Heller is hosting a 5-week course featuring Dr. Levine with live Q&A

2 SE™ Case Consult credits for SEI students

Watch and Learn as Dr. Levine Dissects 5 Diverse Real Client Demonstrations

Click Here to register for the full 5-week program
Wednesday Mornings February 3rd - March 3rd
10:00am - 11:30am PST
Including 30-min live Q&A w/Dr Levine

Registration closes
February 2, 2021 at 11:59 PM PST

Did you miss the FREE 1.5-hr Expert Spotlight preview of this program with 30-min of Q&A? Click Here to watch it now. Dr. Levine revealed how we can learn about our clients’ histories from their bodies and behavior patterns, so we aren’t relying solely on their words.

As a healing professional working in a therapeutic setting, you likely have some clients who’ve stopped progressing. They may seem resistant, avoidant, or even combative. At times, they may have strong emotional reactions. Other times, they may seem completely indifferent. They are clearly in pain, but they may not understand why.

It’s possible these clients are grappling with developmental or shock traumas––these occur when unmet needs or distressing events during childhood leave indelible marks on our minds, bodies, and personalities that stay with us into adulthood. It’s not uncommon for a person to experience both types of trauma, further complicating matters. More importantly, many people cannot recognize these types of childhood traumas as the source of their pain in adulthood. Unfortunately, most people—mental health therapists included—don’t fully appreciate the intricacies and long-term effects of developmental and shock trauma.

Too often, traditional training doesn't teach us how to distinguish between the different kinds of trauma, let alone how to decipher physical cues that allow us to help our clients release lingering trauma, so they can open up to self-acceptance and growth. As therapists, it’s essential we learn as much as possible about developmental and shock traumas, so we are prepared to support clients who want to uncover the root of their trauma and reconnect with their resilience.

That’s exactly why Diane teamed up with Dr. Peter Levine to offer a new course, Somatic Strategies to Address the Interplay Between Shock and Developmental Trauma. Their hope is that we can all learn how to uncover and heal the trauma that’s been buried for too long, and imagine a brighter, more connected future.

This is a focused, demonstration-based online training, hosted by Dr. Diane Poole Heller, and taught by Dr. Peter Levine, the renowned originator of the Somatic ExperiencingⓇ Approach.

For five weeks, Dr. Levine will personally guide a deep exploration into the connection between trauma and the mind, body, and emotions. You’ll dive into these topics on a specialized level unavailable in most training, and each week, Dr. Levine and Dr. Heller will answer your questions in a LIVE Q&A session.

In this course, you’ll…

  • Explore the nuances of developmental and shock trauma and why those with developmental trauma are more susceptible to PTSD and shock trauma.

  • Learn how to identify and differentiate childhood trauma through non-verbal cues like body traits and adult behavior patterns.

  • Watch as Dr. Levine uses somatic techniques to tune into nonverbal clues and get to the root of trauma, reconnecting clients with their wholeness.

  • Eva;uate practical approaches and effective interventions that can be applied immediately to your clinical sessions.

  • Learn how Dr. Levine touches on the past enough to activate the wound, yet works in the present to maintain safety and avoid re-traumatization.

  • Observe crucial methods for pendulation and titration that allow your clients to heal wounds from the past while remaining fully in the present.

  • Gain the knowledge and skills to support your clients in finding their authenticity and aliveness.

This course, including a weekly 30-min Q&A session with Dr. Levine and Dr. Heller, is a rare opportunity.  

And the doors are open for a limited time. The first training call is on February 3rd, so you’ll want to enroll to save your spot soon.

Here’s everything you’ll get...

  • 5 weekly, demo-based sessions, plus Q&A with Dr. Peter Levine & Dr. Diane Poole Heller including in-depth discussion on theory, skills, and strategies.

  • Somatic tools and techniques you can use in your practice to integrate the mind, body and emotions and safely heal past trauma in the present.

  • Lifetime access to complete audio and video recordings. We always hope you can join us live, but having access to everything in various formats means you can easily refer back to material or learn at your own pace.

  • A private community to share your experiences, ask questions and discuss course materials. Our group is filled with compassionate professionals and individuals from all over the world who are willing to share their knowledge and support.

  • 12 CE credits are available for qualified professionals upon course completion.

  • 2 SE™ Case Consult credits for SEI students

Right now, you can join this special training, Somatic Strategies to Address the Interplay Between Shock and Developmental Trauma for a one-time payment of $247—or— 3 monthly payments of just $89. Enroll today to save your spot...

Of course, what’s truly unique about this program is that we’ll work closely with the foremost expert in somatic practices to gain a deep understanding of how to work more effectively with both developmental and shock trauma. 

In doing so, you will learn innovative ways to help your clients finally resolve these wounds and move toward growth and healing. 

Learn more…

1.5-hr Expert Spotlight replay = Click Here to watch it now.

Watch a short 12-min Preview:

Class 1
Understanding Basic Developmental Stages, Connecting Unmet Needs and Repairing Mis-Attunement

We need to understand the “plight of the wounded inner child” and how their unmet developmental needs may be intruding on the adult self. How to help the client build an intrapsychic alliance between the inner child and their adult self - as well as with the facilitating therapist. Distinguish between chronic and toxic stress as it relates to deficits in adult development.

Class 2
Titration and Pendulation to Avoid Re-traumatization

As therapists, it is essential to work with trauma without re-traumatizing the client. Touching into the edges of trauma and inserting positive contradictory experiences to be embodied. Taking manageable steps to “pace and dose” the integration of high arousal and shutdown while metabolizing the traumatic symptoms. We work with one energy level at a time to help the client’s somatic experience to unfold and to build resilience without collapse.

Class 3
Body-Reading to Identify Shock and/or Developmental Trauma

Trauma is acted out in the theater of the body and, quite often, shock and developmental trauma are intertwined. Developmental trauma makes individuals more susceptible to shock trauma. Learn somatic clues and effective interventions to gently unmingle the two.

Class 4
Reading the Living Body Types: Embodied Energetic Approaches

Discussion of body somatotypes – endomorph, ectomorph, and mesomorph – and their roots in development as confirmation of character structure. Detecting developmental trauma through the lens of Intergenerational trauma using the basic somatotypes and archetypes to inform therapeutic interventions and meet energetic needs.

Class 5
Untangling Shock Trauma & Developmental Trauma

Developmental trauma and emotional injury can be very subtle. In reality, we must work with both types of trauma using similar and different interventions. Shock trauma (PTSD) is linked to an overwhelming event or a life-threatening experience, while developmental trauma is how we hold emotional wounds and toxic stress in our bodies. Working with corrective experiences for developmental trauma can support the treatment of shock trauma and vice versa.

Registration closes
February 2, 2021 at 11:59 PM PST

Here’s Everything You’ll Get In…


  • 5 Training Modules giving you an in-depth look at how to apply Somatic ExperiencingⓇ to your clinical practice.

  • LIVE Interactive Q&A Sessions, so you can get your questions answered immediately directly from Dr. Peter Levine and Dr. Diane Poole Heller.

  • Downloads, Transcripts, Worksheets and Demos, so you have access to all the resources in a variety of learning formats — and learn exactly how to apply tools and techniques to individualized interventions in a clinical setting.

  • Your Own Private Learning Dashboard where you’ll have lifetime access to all your course materials at any time.

PLUS, these special


  • 5 NEW Video Trainings on Character Structure

  • Mastery Interventions on Character Structure Needs

  • Understanding Ayurvedic Doshas

Learning Objectives

1) Demonstrate how to map the complex fabric of developmental and shock trauma as a way of helping clients grow into their authentic selves.

2) Evaluate developmental trauma’s connection to shock trauma to help clients complete disturbed development stages and heal from fractured family dynamics and conflictual relationships.

3) Integrate clients’ awareness of their internal experience of nonverbal behaviors, including involuntary gestures, posture changes, and your observations of external indications of shifts in the autonomic nervous system.

4) Explain the importance of embodied awareness with the support of an empathetic witness as a vehicle for transforming traumatic experience.

5) Define the often-fleeting physical cues of clients’ internal states that indicate crucial resources that can be accessed as one moves toward healing.

6) Integrate ancestral awareness into therapeutic practices as a form of transgenerational healing that can care for the inner wounded child.

7) Analyze embodied, archetypal experiences to more deeply renegotiate developmental traumatic experiences.

8) Identify each Character Type's core issues, with a focus on resolving challenging areas for each particular Character Type.

9) List two body traits that are characteristic of the Love/Sexuality Structure.

10) Describe two body traits that are characteristic of the Love/Sexuality Structure.

11) Explain the specific needs, conflicts, strategies, affective states, and body traits that help identify each Character Type: Contact/Existence, or “Schizoid”; Nurture/Nourishment, or “Oral”; Dependence/Autonomy/Trust, or “Psychopathic”; Independence/Power/Will, or “Masochistic”; and Love/Sexuality, or “Rigid.”     

12) Discuss two resolution approaches for the Nurture/Nourishment Character Structure

Dr. Diane Poole Heller is managing this course. For technical or informational assistance please click here.

Registration closes
February 2, 2021 at 11:59 PM PST